Manlio Gervasi

His primary focus is on real estate and international corporate law, specializing in cross-border real estate transactions related to Italian property. Manlio Gervasi manages due diligence, acquisitions, and the overall management of property investments in Italy. He has served as a real estate counselor for many years, holding positions on the Board of Directors of prestigious companies. Additionally, he specializes in business setup, M&A, and international law, providing assistance to clients worldwide.
Manlio Gervasi is listed as an English-speaking Attorney by several diplomatic representations, including the UK Embassy, the Swiss Embassy, the Canadian Embassy in Rome, and the Italian Embassy in Beijing, China. Additionally, he is a member of the NIAB (National Italian American Bar Association - Washington, DC), the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce New York (IACC), the Chamber of Italian International Lawyers and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West in Vancouver
Real Estate
International company law
Partner c_legal (2016 →)
Partner Gervasi & Partners (2012-2016)
Intern De Berti Jacchia - Brussels (2010-2012)
Enrollment in the European Lawyers Register (2019)
Enrollment in the Italian Lawyers Register of Rome (2013)
MA in International and Diplomatic Studies - SIOI -Rome (2008)
Postgraduate course EU Law - UN campus (2007)
Law Degree, University of Palermo (2005)
Italian, English, French, Spanish